Monday, September 08, 2008

The Rules I am Playing By

Bo on September 3rd, 2008

The Do

  1. I gave my credit card to my wife No buying the one time only, super price, never to be seen again book or program.

  2. If any money comes in from what I am doing no more then half back in this project. So my motto is, “If it’s not free don’t go.”

  3. Whatever it is that say to do I will do it if?

  4. If It is not immoral

  5. If It does not violate my belief system

  6. If It will not hurt anyone including me

  7. If It does not involve taking my clothes off,

  8. If It will not get me shot

  9. If It will not send me to jail

  10. I will not try to reinvent the wheel and do exactly what they say

  11. I will give this my best effort for the next six months

  12. I will go into this with a positive attitude

  13. I believe every thing they say is true until proven different.

Most Important Part

I decided while I was finding out if what these gentlemen say works I was going to keep track of what I was doing. I would write down what programs I was using, where I got them, how much time and effort it took, and if it made me money. Now all this information I was going to put into a blog for other people to see.

I am also going to email each of the gentlemen listed and let them know about this. If they respond I will post there responses. If they do not respond I will also post that. I am going to try to make contact with them or someone in their organization. Whatever happens will be posted.

At this point I believe that everything they say is true and I will go on that assumption for the next six months.

The Don’t

  1. Do not list anything unless I know it will work

  2. Do not list anything unless I have tried it myself

  3. Do not sell anything to anyone unless I know it will help them

  4. Do not slack off

  5. Do not get off track


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